I pride myself ( in my head and own little world) that I can tell the difference between an old
DC-8 and a 747. Aloha air had the noisiest high pitched squeal to them. Sorry they went out of business and all but sheesh, I don't miss that noise!
JAL 747's fly so low overhead that they create wind turbulence that turn into mini-tornadoes that sometimes rip 12 ft palm fronds from the coconut palms here! "Look out kids!"
Here are a few video (yes, I am that geek that takes video of them!)
Once, a United flight was coming in really low. I mean strangely low. I watched it coming well, basically right towards me as I stood in my yard... when all of the sudden it pulled up and started lifting up dramatically back on course... "What the heck? You fall asleep up there?" I though he was going to let er down right in the lagoon!
Now promise me that for the C-5 super duper huge plane you will have your volume (go ahead and turn it up now) on full volume...its no joke. This IS how loud it is. If you'd really like to re-create the scenario just grab the sides of your desk or wherever you have your computer set up and rumble it like a subtle earthquake for say 45 seconds...
The fighter jets are pretty cool too...
I really need a life...